Instantly Check Millions of Phone Numbers with DND Scrubbing

DND Scrubbing for Filtering Contacts

Business owners in need of a reliable solution to differentiate DND numbers from the non-DND ones can check out our DND Scrubbing services. A single click is all that’s needed to run checks on millions of numbers at once, without any filtering or limitations. The solution is designed to help businesses and organizations avoid compliance issues when sending bulk SMS to existing and potential customers. People who activate Do Not Disturb or DND on their phone numbers cannot be sent marketing or promotional messages, as per the guidelines of the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI). Penalties are levied on any organization or telemarketers on contacting numbers with DND activations. Thus, it is essential to scrub out your database to comply with the regulations.

Benefits Of DND Scrubbing Service

Secured and Reliable
Ensures accurate scrubbing for identifying DND and non-DND numbers
Our scrub SMS solution comes with convenient features and easy functionalities
Regular Updates
We offer timely updates to ensure best-in-class service
Interface and API

Use our SMS gateway or integrate our API into your app to start scrubbing contacts

Bulk Upload
Upload all your contacts into the system for quick scrubbing
Detailed Reporting
Download updated reports for a complete breakdown of your filtered data

Use Cases Of DND Scrubbing Service

Generate Leads

Identify non-DND users from your database to generate and nurture leads

Marketing Campaigns
Avoid penalties when sending promotional messages by scrubbing your contacts
Expand Customer Base
Contact interested customers only and acquire new customers through SMS campaigns

Get in Touch

It is better to ask than wonder. Get in touch with us to lead your business into the future of Effective Communication
